Senate Deputy Minority Leader, Danbaba, dumps PDP for APC

 Senate Deputy Minority Leader, Danbaba, dumps PDP for APC

By Joseph Ayinde

The Deputy Minority Whip of the Senate, Ibrahim Danbaba, on Wednesday, dumped the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, for the ruling All Progressives Congress, APC.

The development was conveyed in a letter read on the floor of the Senate by the Senate President, Ahmad Lawan, during plenary.

The lawmaker, who represents Sokoto South in the upper chamber of the National Assembly, was nominated by the PDP on July 15, 2021, for the position of Deputy Minority Whip.

The nomination followed the defection of the former Deputy Whip, Sahabi Alhaji Ya’u, representing Zamfara North from the PDP to the ruling party.

Mr Danbaba’s defection to the party, brings the total number of APC Senators in the upper chamber to 71, while PDP is 37.

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