10year old girl commits suicide after being bullied in school

 10year old girl commits suicide after being bullied in school

By Dayo Badmus, 

A 10-year-old girl has hanged herself after she was continuously bullied and racially sidelined.

The girl identified as Isabella Faith Tichenor was allegedly picked on by her schoolmates because she had autism and dyslexia.

The deceased mother, Brittany revealed that the abuse was reported to the school which is located in North Salt Lake, Utah, US.

Brittany said: “As any parent would, we reported this abuse to her teachers, the school administration, and the district administration, she told a press conference.

“Nothing, nothing was done to protect Izzy. Children did not have their behaviour corrected so the torment of this child continued day after day.

“You really wouldn’t have known she was going through that.

“So that was the hardest part. She must have really internalised this.”

Isabella’s grandmother said that the death of her granddaughter has made them decide to take the issue of bullying seriously and put an end to it

“We are going to be Izzy’s voice, we are going to ring the bell as loud as we can because we are going to stop this bullying. That little girl had spark, that little girl had hopes and dreams.”

Isabella’s grandfather told the Sun that Isabella complained to the school authorities but nothing was done about her situation.

“My daughter went to the teacher and she went to the principal and nothing was done. This has been going on for months and nothing was done. It was both verbal and physical.”

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The local Davis School District has said that they are investigating the claims of the school.

“We take all incidents and reports of bullying seriously. At this point, the incident we are aware of involved another student. The teacher and administration responded quickly and appropriately. As with all allegations of bullying, our investigation will continue.”


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