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Herdsmen Attack: “My property was attacked,” Wole Soyinka discredits police report

By Modupe Shodeinde
Nobel Laureate, Prof. Wole Soyinka, on Thursday, has spoken on the alleged invasion of his home in the Kemta Area of Abeokuta, by herdsmen on Tuesday.
He stated that although he was not attacked by herdsmen, his property was invaded by herders and their cows.
The Police in Ogun State in a statement on Wednesday had said contrary to the reports circulating that the Nobel Laureate’s home was invaded by herdsmen, the incident was triggered by a stray cow sighted on Tuesday “within the vicinity of Mr Soyinka’s home”.
However, Wole Soyinka in a statement on Thursday titled ‘Mad Cows and Madder Narratives’ called on the police to be straightforward with public information.
He stated that failure to adhere to that, would result in the public loss of total confidence in security agencies and constantly bypass them in times of civic unrest, no matter how trivial or deadly.
He stated that the cows and herders did attack his property and “not for the first time.”
“How on earth could the police claim that my property was not invaded by cattle? It was. My groundsmen knew the drill and commenced the process of expelling them. Fortunately, I was then driving out and was able to lend a hand by vehicle maneuvering. Both cattle and herdsmen were flushed out of my property.” he added.
He said “Once they were outside the gates, I came down from the vehicle and beckoned the herdsmen to come over. At first, they pretended not to understand, then, as I approached, fled into the bush. We thereupon “arrested” the cows, confining them to the roadside, while I sent my groundsman, Taiye, to the police to come and take over.
“Since they took rather long in responding, I summoned a replacement and proceeded to the police station. On the way, we met a detachment, turned round, and together we returned to the scene of crime. The police wanted to commence combing the bush for the fugitives but I stopped them – what was the point? Keep the cows, I advised, and the owner will show up. Of course, that owner eventually did.
“I thoroughly resent the police version which suggests that the cows never invaded my home: Home is not just a building; it includes its grounds. And it was not a stray cow, or two or three. It was a herd – we have photos, so why the lie? It is so unnecessary, unprofessional and suspiciously compromised. The police suggest that I have nothing better to do than to go accosting cows on the public road – to what end? If the police demand proof, the next time such an invasion takes place, I warn that there will be no lack for cadaver affirmation and the police will be officially invited to join in the ensuing suya feast. So please, let us get serious!”
“Getting serious means seeking with a sense of urgency, ways of terminating mayhem, impunity, and the homicidal culture being imposed on us through some near cultic business minority who just happen to trade in cattle. It means not giving up on peaceful solutions, but also being prepared for the worst. Those of my line of thought have been working on various ways of sensitising the nation to the very real and imminent danger issuing from this cattle aberration.
“The menace, I repeat, challenges us as a cohesive entity and as communities of free individuals, committed to the dignity of existence. Cattle imperialism under any guise is an obscenity to humanity. So let me serve notice that we are about to commence a process of public sensitisation; we hope even the police will join hands with the agenda as it progresses.